Traveling Essentials for Women on International Travel

Hotels vary from country to country and from hotel chain to hotel chain, so investigate and then select a hotel that best meets your personal and business needs. First make sure the hotel is within a reasonable distance of your business meetings. If you are far away you may have to deal with traffic, congested public transportation, and unexpected delays that can
add stress to your day. If you are staying over a weekend, you can move then to a hotel in the downtown area for a change of location and to be closer to the cultural centers. If you are traveling with a portable computer, make sure the hotel has a data line in addition to the phone line in the room. If you like to exercise, check for a hotel that has a health club or facility near by. If you like to have room service late at night or very early in the morning, check for late-night or 24-hour room service. Most businesswomen report that they prefer to use a U.S. hotel chain because of the consistency of services that they offer worldwide. However, you will find that most major cities offer exceptional hotel options that may provide the basic services you desire and even more.
Keep in mind:
o Dry-cleaning services are generally very efficient in most four- and five-star hotels. Consider using them if you are on a long trip and you need to pack efficiently. Check with the hotel on the pick up and return times. In some modern hotels there are now 24-hour dry cleaning services with a turn around within hours. In others it may take up to two days.
o Many hotels offer massages and other personal services that are welcomed by the business traveler. Make sure that you get information about all the countries you plan to visit, including the stopovers. Check with your company to see what medical coverage you have for overseas travel. Some companies may have an overseas medical hot line, while others may have specific hospitals or travel doctors with which they network.
In addition:
o Bring any prescribed medication for allergies, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, respiratory and skin infections, etc. in clearly labeled prescription bottles.