Traveling Alone As A Woman Is This Your Next Chapter? Women Transition Travel.

Travel had always been something that my husband and I enjoyed doing together, so after his passing I was left wondering what now. “I have to admit the thought of traveling alone as a woman had me feeling some anxiety, with everything going on in the world then and now“. One thing I have learned in this process of life changing events you have to make the first step forward in order to heal and move on. Travel became a source of healing for me, it allowed me to wonder, discover and ease some of the pain from losing my spouse. I began to reclaim myself, being more independent, confident, free to do what I wanted when I wanted. I was able to take the type of vacation I wanted without compromising or feeling alone.
The Next Chapter After Life Changing Events – Traveling Alone As A Woman
My first major solo and international trip after my husband’s passing was a Mediterranean Cruise from Barcelona to the coast of Italy. Traveling alone as a woman, a cruise is the most safest way to travel alone if you are experiencing solo travel for the first time. The cruise I went on was with NCL the ship Norwegian Epic. NCL offers solo travelers studio cabins and a common area for other solo travelers to gather and meet doing the cruise it was left up to you if you wanted to meet the other solo travelers or not.
Finding the perfect travel solution for traveling alone as a woman is very important. Taking a cruise allows you to be independent but also be around others if you choose too. Best of all you learn to enjoy your time with yourself with out feeling unsafe about being alone.
Cruising also offers a learning experiences with cooking, art and yoga classes, some even offer cultural experiences.
Impact travel on cruises provides the opportunity to build community with like-minded travelers, become immersed in another culture, and work alongside its people to create enduring social impact. Giving back is very comforting and helps those traveling alone as a woman keep their minds off of themselves.
Transition Travel – Renew, Reinvent, Change Your Life – Traveling Alone As A Woman
Are you at a point in your life where you are starting a new chapter? Travel has always been a desire and dream of yours to see the world, but you have a uneasiness about stepping out on your own and being alone after a lose of a spouse or travel partner?
Here are 4 insider tips that will help you traveling alone as a woman in transition.
4 Insider Tips For Taking Your Transition Travel Trip – Traveling Alone As A Woman
Tip #1. Take Small Steps – Renew
Go on a weekend getaway somewhere close to home. There are alot of great weekend getaways within a hour or two of most cities. Check into a great hotel resort or local bed and breakfast enjoy the time alone with your favorite book, or check out the hotel resort spa on site.
Tip #2. Impact Cruise – Reinvent
Go on a impact travel cruise, become immersed in another culture, and work alongside its people to making a enduring social impact. For those with concerns about travel safety, a cruise is one the best ways for a single women traveling alone can travel with out major concerns about safety. I would suggest a couple of my favorite impact travel groups GlobalVolunteers and Fathom both will provide you with the opportunity to make a difference.
Tip #3. Guided Tours – Change Your Life
Go on a guided vacation, hassle-free and enjoyable way for you to discover your destination if you’re traveling as a women alone.
Everything’s taken care of, like your day-t0-day itinerary, hotel check-ins and luggage. And there’s the opportunity for you to meet and share experiences with like-minded people from all over the world.
Luxe Women Travel is in partnership with one of the best guided vacation provider in the industry, contact us and we can help you plan your itinerary.
Tip #4. Join A Small Group Of Women Traveling Together
More and more women are opting to travel together these days on Women Traveling Together trips. What a wonderful way if you are hurting from a lose of a spouse or partner, or divorce to experience sharing your feelings. Connecting with other women who may have gone threw similar experiences looking for new beginnings.
Luxe Women Travel has put together a great collection of destinations that cater to single women traveling to make planning single women vacations easier. Contact our Luxe Women Travel luxury expert to get expert tips, advice and help planning your single women vacation.
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